A Q&A with Heather Gagen

Its diversity – genuinely no two days are the same. The role is a pretty amazing proposition, and probably fairly unique to a law firm structure. That’s because it involves not only responsibility for running a large and successful business, but also continuing in my chosen area of professional specialism as a disputes lawyer. So my days are very varied – advising clients on the most difficult and complex issues facing their business and working closely with specialists all across the firm to do so, while also ensuring that our business is healthy and growing.  Alongside all of that, I am a key point of contact and pastoral support for the many people who work in this team. I never quite know which of these different facets of my job will be top of my in-tray on any given day – and sometimes it’s all of them. That can be very demanding, but it also means this is by far and away the most professionally interesting time of my life so far, and I get to be in business with people I respect and admire hugely, working for the biggest clients out there. Not many people can say that their job gives them all of those opportunities. I feel very lucky that I was able to do this role at this stage in my career, when I feel like I have a huge amount of energy and hunger to drive our business forward and to enjoy the professional stretch it brings.

We are all, first and foremost, general commercial disputes lawyers – which means we are trained to turn our hand to any complex commercial dispute or investigation that our clients might face. The London market continues to attract some of the largest and most high-profile disputes globally. There’s a reason that parties globally choose English law and English Courts to resolve their differences – they know that they will get a fair result in a system that promotes commercial resolution but which can also determine the most knotty and large-scale claims at trial. It’s also a well-funded market. All of this means that we see real novelty and scale in the types of dispute brought in London, and they often have commercial and legal implications globally. For those reasons, I don’t believe that the disputes lawyers of tomorrow can best serve their clients by specialising in just one area of disputes work – they need to be innovative thinkers who are unafraid to think about new types of claim and litigation strategies, and enjoy doing so. That’s why we deliberately structure our disputes and investigations practice as one team, without silos, and why we hire and retain lawyers who enjoy that challenge. Time and again, and as our track record shows in the sheer diversity of our work at the very top end of the market, our clients recognise the advantages of that approach and reap its rewards.

I have every confidence that the matters we act on will continue to be for world-class clients and be headline-making in their scale and commercial importance.

Heather Gragen

Heather Gragen

Head of Dispute Resolution

We will remain one of the few very top disputes practices in the City, lean and efficient and being highly successful for our clients. I have every confidence that the matters we act on will continue to be for world-class clients and be headline-making in their scale and commercial importance. To achieve those objectives, we will maintain our strategy of sustainable and organic growth, built on the hard work of a close-knit team of very bright people – who all ultimately do this job, despite its challenges and demands, because they love the buzz of dealing with the most difficult cases and investigations out there.

We offer our clients lawyers who bring real imagination and innovation in the way we deal with their disputes today – so that our clients are ready to face the challenges of tomorrow and will want us to help them do so

Heather Gragen

Heather Gragen

Head of Dispute Resolution

A business that remains at the top of the market but which offers something really different to our clients and people.  This means, first, offering our people an inclusive, happy, thriving place to work – because those are our values, and because we know from our clients that they care about how we go about our business when they choose to spend their money with us, as well as the results we get for them. It also means offering our clients lawyers who bring real imagination and innovation in the way we deal with their disputes today – so that our clients are ready to face the challenges of tomorrow and will want us to help them do so.

I don’t have a day when someone hasn’t made me laugh and when I don’t feel that I’ve learned something.

Heather Gragen

Heather Gragen

Head of Dispute Resolution

What is the best bit of the job?  And my answer would be, unhesitatingly, that it’s a lot of fun: definitely stressful and challenging at times, but I don’t have a day when someone hasn’t made me laugh and when I don’t feel that I’ve learned something. This is really important to me – I have a young son at home and a lovely husband, so being away from them at work can be hard sometimes. It most certainly wouldn’t be worth it if I didn’t get to work with kind and clever people and feel like I am thriving as a person in doing my job. 

Obviously the other really eccentric, but to my mind fabulous, thing about this job is that at Travers Smith, for some reason that has never been explained to me, we keep our healthy and not so healthy snacks in filing cabinets in the kitchens – so my craving for a KitKat and a cup of tea can be met at any time if I ferret around in a drawer. Hard to ask for more than that at work!

Key contacts and authors

Heather Gagen

Heather Gagen

Head of Dispute Resolution